Moving Home in Hastings, Bexhill, Rye & Battle?
Here at surelock homes Hastings, we’d really like to help you out with some hints and tips when buying or renting a new house to make sure your home is safe and secure.
When moving into a new home *congratulations* there’s always a worry that previous occupants could still have a key. We always like to recommend changing the locks when you move in, so you know you’re the only ones that have a key.
It’s also important to make sure that when you’ve moved into a new property, that your locks are insurance compliant. Many insurance policies will say that the locks on your home must meet British standard 3621 specifications otherwise you may have problems when making a claim if the worst was to happen.




Surelock homes offer a free survey and quote for you on your new home to make sure that all your windows and doors are as they should be.
We stock and supply a wide range of different locks & safety measures including snap safe and anti-drill cylinders, British standard locks, key safes, chains and much more for UPVC, wooden and aluminium doors, garage doors, sliding patio doors & windows.
We’re always on the other end of the phone, so please feel free to give us a call, message or email for any of the above or for any further information & we would be more than happy to assist you.
Happy moving!
*Please remember to seek permission from the correct letting agents or landlords before making any changes in a rental property, including lock changes
When you call you will be connected to me, Matthew your local locksmith.